Diamond Jubilee Stakes

It can be a daunting task for most punters trying to work out just which horse races are going to be worth betting on, much more so when the races they have their eyes on are Group 1 races.

In fact, during the course of the flat racing season there are plenty of Group 1 races being held at various different racecourse in the UK, and one racecourse that does tend to stage more than most others is of course Ascot.

June is when those races are held each year and it is the Royal Ascot meeting that attracts both very large crowds and the betting markets have plenty of fluidity in them on each of those races held at that race meeting too.

One race that you may be interested in learning more about is the Diamond Jubilee Stakes, which is a race in which horses ages 4 years and older are permitted to be entered into it and it is a race that is held over  6 furlongs too. As the ante post betting markets often given punters a good idea as to where the smart money is going on this race, then do ensure you keep your eyes on them.

Past Winners of the Diamond Jubilee Stakes

In 2014 it was the five year old Slade Power that won this race ridden by Wayne Lordan and then the following year another 5 year old that being Undrafted that won steered by the very popular and extremely experienced and talented Frankie Dettori.

Then in 2016 a four year old by the name of Twilight Son won this race ridden by Ryan Moore and the following year that being in 2017 it was the Tin Man ridden that day by Tom Queally that came out on top, Ryan Moore also went on to win this race in 2018 too and that year his horse was Merchant Navy               that won the race with a time of 1:12.09.

Diamond Jubilee Stakes Facts and Figures

There is one horse that over the years have won this race three times and that horse was Prince Charlie but that no so easy fete of winning this race three times was done many years ago back in the years 1872, 1873 and 1874.

One jockey that has an absolutely amazing track record of winning this race a total of ten times, was the legendary Lester Piggott starting in the year 1958 and finally he won this race in the year 1993 too.

The leading trainer who has sent no fewer than five winner of this race to the racecourse is Vincent O’Brien and as for leading owners well there are two that do stand out having sense three winners each of the racecourse and they were Joseph Dawson back in the last 1800’s and much more recently Jack Joel who did the same but in the 1900’s.